
Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Rudolph "Red Nose" shrimp (Caridina gracilirostris)

Rudolph "Red Nose" Shrimp memiliki warna tubuh yang transparan dengan garis merah menyala memanjang dari kepala sampai dengan pangkal ekor, dan memiliki bentuk hidung yang panjang membentuk cula berwarna merah menyala, menjadikan udang ini unik dan sering disebut sebagai Pinokio Shrimp. 

Rudolph "Red Nose" dapat beradaptasi dengan baik di berbagai kondisi air, dan lebih sering terlihat berenang atau berjalan di dasar daripada berdiam diri, terkadang udang ini akan melompat jika merasa terganggu. Rudolph "Red Nose" memakan lumut dan sebagian besar jenis tanaman air. Rudolph "Red Nose" jantan memiliki warna yang lebih menyala dibandingkan betinanya, sedangkan Rudolph "Red Nose" betina memiliki warna hampir bening (putih), dengan ukuran tubuh yang lebih kecil dari jantannya

Apperance: Transparent carapax with red line from the bottom part of abdomen to tail. Extremely long, with red rostrum. Red color in C. gracilirostris body becomes more intensive when shrimp is on dark substrate, when we add a little bit of tannic or when there is not too much light over aquarium. It might be strengthen also by giving food rich in arytenoids. When shrimp is under stress red color might even disappear.
Origin: India
Size: Males to 3,5 cm, females to 4 cm.
Water conditions: Temp about 25 C, KH 8, pH 6,5-7
Tank layout: They like tanks with lots of plants and many hideouts like roots. Substrate should be made from dark sand
Food: Algae, artificial aliments with spirulin. Insects' larvae's. Vegetables, fruit and artificial aliments containing carotenoids.
Breeding:Low form. Female carries 50 - 100 eggs for about 4 weeks. Born larvae are very small and they need see water to evolve.

Peaceful and very attractive shrimp. It's less sensitive than other caridinas to nitrogen (it doesn't mean that it's not sensitive at all). It doesn't like too high pH. Tank should be at least 50 liters big for a group of over ten shrimps, per ratio bigger if we want to keep other caridinas with them. It is inappropriate to keep them with aggressive shrimps or fish.

C. gracilirostris likes to swim in open water. During transport you should be careful because it is easy to break its extremely long "nose" (it will grow back after moulting).

You can find this shrimp under these names: "Red Nose Shrimp", "Rudolph Red Nose Shrimp", "Needle nose Shrimp" or "Rote Nashorngarnele".

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