
Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina denticulata sinensis / Neocaridina heteropoda var. red)

Red Cherry Shrimp merupakan udang hias yang paling mudah dan sering ditemui di pasaran. Udang ini, memiliki warna merah berbintik transparan yang menarik. Red Cherry menyukai lingkungan yang bervegetasi, terutama yang berbentuk rumput (Moss). Red Cherry memakan hampir semua jenis alga yang tumbuh, sehingga cocok dipelihara sebagai pembersih akuarium (dari alga), terutama pada akuarium yang bertemakan aquascape.

Red Cherry jantan memiliki warna lebih menyala dan berukuran lebih kecil dibandingkan betinanya.
Udang hias ini mudah dipelihara dan mudah berkembang biak dengan sendirinya dalam akuarium.

Apperance: Intensive red shrimp, colour type of Neocaridina heteropoda. Red colour can be strenghten by feeding them with aliments rich in carotenoids. Intensivity of colour depends also from mood, stressed shrimp might loose all its colours. Females are more colourfull, especially when they are carrying eggs.
Origin:Taiwan (wild form comes from China and north Vietnam).
Size:Males to 2 cm, females to 3 cm.
Water conditions:Temp about 25 C, GH 12, pH 6,8-7,5. It's very sensitive to bad water conditions (nitrogen and copper)
Tank layout:They like tanks with sand substrate, plants and roots
Food:Algae, artificial aliments with spirulin. Natural and artificial aliments containing carotenoids, cyklop, arthemia. They love bananas :)
Breeding:No larvae stadium. Female carries eggs for 3 - 4 weeks. According to some sources eggs are orange, others say that they are greygreen, some say that they change colour from orange to dark green. Young shrimps born fully formed in number 30-50 and 2mm big. They become mature in age of 3 - 4 months. In the beginning they are transparent and hard to see in tank.

It's not completly sure if this shrimp exist in natural waters or if it was created from wild form. She loves algae, what (except for great look) says why it is so popular. Some sources say that they can even eat cyanosis. When thera are no algae in tank they should be fed. In temperature under 20 C it might not breed.
Other popular name for this shrimp is Neocaridina denticulata sinensis "Red Cherry" and Neocaridina denticulata sinensis "Fire Red"

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